Thursday, March 11, 2010

Kaden Hosts Playgroup

Today was our turn to host the playgroup that formed after meeting at the local La Leche support group.  I enjoy getting together with other Moms with similar aged babies to discuss day-to-day issues, but the best part is watching Kaden interact with the other babies.

Last week was our second play-date and the first since he's been crawling, so I was curious about what he would do. As soon as I set him down and spread out our blanket, he saw a toy, crawled over to it and began to play. When he was done with that toy, he continued to amuse himself with no concern as to my whereabouts. He played with the other babies and was happy to be held by some of the other mommies. He got crabby at the end, (aka- when it was time for a nap) and he even cried some. So we packed up our things, grabbed 2 brownies from the talented baker of our group and headed home.

This week, we invited everyone over for a light lunch of "Playdate Pizzas" and some veggies w/dip. It was so nice to have company and Kaden even has a little girlfriend, Mattie. He enjoys sitting on her and she even gave him a kiss! I'm trying to teach him the meaning of the word "gentle", which is unfamiliar to us because we don't have any pets and I only tell him to be gentle with me.  Fortunately, he doesn't seem to be aggressive or anything, but he is still learning about how to be gentle and share toys, (of course).  I did, however, have to stop him from using Sophia as a tool to help him stand up! Silly baby. 

It was cute to watch everyone play; the babies are starting to recognize each other and the other mommies, too. 

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